Protect Your Compressed Air System from Winter Hazards in Pakistan

Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late, Winterize Your Air Compressor

While the temperature has started to decrease in Pakistan, the risk of running into issues with your compressed air system is increasing. Eliminate this risk with five (5) quick tips on how to protect your compressor installation from winter hazards in Pakistan.

With cold temperatures getting closer & closer, Sakoon Pneumatics want to ensure that you can avoid any problems with your air compressor. Here are 5 quick tips to avoid the air compressor failures.

Check Your Tank for Condensation. As you run your compressor, your tank will eventually collect water at the bottom. As the temperature drops, you may run the risk of having that water freeze, which will increase your chances of a tank failure.

How Do I Avoid a Tank Failure?

  • When applicable, install an appropriate dryer in your compressed air system to remove moisture. The dryer will take out the moisture running through your pipes & air compressor, avoiding rust & corrosion throughout your system.
  • Installing a drain valve will automatically drain the condensate that collects in your compressed air tank.

Protect Your Outdoor Piping. If your air piping is exposed to temperatures below the dew point of the compressed air in the pipe, you will condense water.  Condensate in the pipe will cause a variety of issues and if it is exposed to below freezing temps, the condensate will freeze and possibly fail the pipe.  Wrapping the pipe with insulation and heat tracing to keep the compressed air warm and installing drip legs with drain valves will keep condensate formation to a minimum. Need to upgrade your piping?

Store Indoors, If Possible. Indoor storage in a climate controlled environment is ideal, however, if this is not possible, modifications to the compressor may be required.  Items such as sump or crankcase heaters, starter panel space heaters, and heat trace with insulation on control piping, drain valves, and moisture separators are good insurance to minimize the negative effects of cold temperatures.

Inspect Your Air Compressor. Taking time to inspect your air compressor system for signs of potential issues before they become big problems.  Check the oil to ensure there are no signs of condensate in the oil which will appear light brown or “milky” in color.  This indicates the oil is not operating at the right temperature and will cause rust formation on the rotating components internally.

Implement A Diagnostic Program.  Monitoring the health of your compressed air system with diagnostic tools such as oil analysis will give you early indications of issues that could be related to the effects of cold temperatures. Water content and viscosity index can be negatively impacted by cold temperatures and staying on top of these parameters can keep you ahead of the game when winter is knocking on the door

Sakoon Pneumatics offers quick service support to European and Chinese brands Screw Air Compressors in Pakistan  i.e. Atlas Copco, BOGE, Kaeser, Ingersoll Rand, CompAir, CECCATO, Seizeair, Airhorse, Deman, elang, SCR Compressors through its factory trained service engineers and experts.

Compressor Service in Pakistan



Reactive Repair Requests

The outdated service model only acts when there is a specific problem, i.e. when a call comes into the Service department because something has gone wrong with product A or B. A couple of standard questions are clarified and then used in an attempt to assess the fault. However, an on-site visit is often required to shed light on the actual issue.  The problem of course is when the Service employee does not have the right tool to hand to repair the plant.

Proactive Maintenance

Temperature, infrared, vibration and sound alarms in the machine monitor all the functions and feed this data to the network. Service employees can monitor the developments, while early-warning signals make them aware of upcoming maintenance work. In addition to sensors, the alarm system must also be reliably implemented in the system so that error messages reach the relevant Service department without delay.


Reactive Repair Requests

There are no troubleshooting instructions whatsoever for reactive repair requests. Automatic feedback helps to identify the cause of the fault and resolve it more quickly, which in turn saves costs. If the machine operator only knows that they need to carry out maintenance or a repair but not where or to what extent, this information is of little use.

Proactive Maintenance

Intelligent machine systems are able to forward assistance and evaluations from incidents and problems via the IIoT. Advisory maintenance assistants which not only point out specific maintenance activities in a timely manner but engage directly with the Service technician and recommend actions are conceivable here. The machine thus acts as a patient who can determine where the pain is and what intervention is needed to alleviate it.


Reactive Repair Requests

Reactive service only intervenes once it is too late. So the only option that remains is to replace components or dispose of the machine. Both cases mean downtime for the customer. If this lasts too long, the Service team are automatically regarded as a problem and the customer may opt for a different compressed air supplier.

Proactive Maintenance

Thanks to “Connected Services”, the health of a product can be monitored on the manufacturer’s side so that they can inform the customer in good time and avoid more expensive repair measures. Enhanced dialogue with the customer allows manufacturers to focus more intensely on the benefits and the requirements of their products. However, this extended customer dialogue must not become a time guzzler! Many aspects can be processed with automatic customer service.


Reactive Repair Requests

At the end of the IIoT value-added chain is the continuous optimization process. Optimization before IIoT was less targeted and expensive. Elaborate test series and long planning phases also have a negative effect on the maintenance service. The principle is: if you don’t know the customer’s concerns, you can’t meet them.

Proactive Maintenance

Once the products are linked to IIoT, their functions can be closely monitored. With 24/7 IIoT, an enormous amount of data can be collected, which helps developers and users to continuously improve the performance of their system. Modern IIoT software enables the creation of a software-based prototype, the so-called “digital twin”, which can be tested under various parameters – without the need for time-consuming test runs in reality. A more precise test phase also allows maintenance units to be effectively shortened.


Learn more about Compressor Service Experts in Pakistan with 41 Years of Compressed Air Excellence


For All Major Brands Air Compressors in Pakistan

At Sakoon Service, we provide real peace of mind by taking unforeseen costs out of routine air compressor maintenance by tracking and scheduling regular checkups and service to keep your compressed air systems running smoothly and efficiently.

Sakoon Routine Air Compressor Service along with Preventative maintenance schedules ensures that your equipment continues to work properly, extends its overall life, and saves money by avoiding severe damage.

  • Factory trained service engineer for all types of screw Air Compressors (Atlas Copoco, BOGE, Kaeser, Ingersoll Rand, CECCATO, CompAir and GD)
  • Continuous service training of our engineers on new technologies in Compressed Air Systems
  • Our certified refrigeration mechanics and service technicians are available in your area 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • We offer the correct OEM and OEM replacement (competitive) parts, compressor oil, and qualified service on all major brands of air compressors and dryers whenever you need it.

24-Hour Service and Repair

We perform all air compressor service and repairs, including major overhauls, at the job site or in our service workshop, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Our non-binding service agreements enable Sakoon to perform specific services on your compressed air system on a routine basis:

  • Perform all required maintenance and safety checks
  • Keeps your compressed air system operating at optimum efficiency
  • Reduces down time and costs
  • Fit the operating profile of each individual piece of equipment, based on your operating hours and environment

Our highly skilled service managers are trained to:

  • Monitor and analyze each and every service
  • Look for ways to prevent the possibility of a severe system failure
  • Provide free technical assistance via telephone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Our Service Locations:

Compressed Air Services Areas in Pakistan Click Here

Book Your Service Visit Today


Complete Solutions for Planned Maintenance or Unexpected Emergencies.

SKY RENTAL is rental ready 365 days a year. We understand keeping your plant up at all times is critically important to a plant’s success. We have a selection of rental ready air compressors and accessories for your systems including Dryers, and filters.

Our equipment is serviced by in-house technicians to make sure it remains in excellent condition, and is checked thoroughly before being sent to your location.

SKY RENTAL has a fleet of electric-powered air compressor rentals standing by anytime in case your compressor fails. We even keep compressors, equipment and accessories on trailers so we’re always ready to help reduce downtime and lost revenue.

Tell us what you need, our highly trained representatives will help you find what’s right for you. Reserve your air compressor rental today!

Keep Your Air Compressor in Tip Top Condition

5 Simply Daily Checks
Keep Your Air Compressor in Tip Top Condition

A few simple daily checks will keep your air compressor running smoothly and reliably. Spend 5 minutes a day checking over your air compressor and you will spot any issues before your compressor comes to a grinding halt leading to a whole lot more trouble.

Do These 5 Simple Checks Everyday:


  1. Check the oil level regularly and keep the compressor oil topped up.
  2. Drain condensate from the receiver and filters regularly
  3. Ensure your compressor is in a well ventilated place and air is free to circulate around the compressor
  4. Check the belts (if fitted) are tight and not worn
  5. Check the guards, panels and grilles are undamaged and located correctly
  6. The last and easiest check to do, at any time, is to check that the compressor isn’t leaking oil or water on the floor and isn’t making unusual noises.

Daily Checks

  • General operation of machine.
  • Oil System: Drain condensate from separator vessel.
  • Oil System: Check oil level. Top up if necessary as defined in the User Manual.

As an expert in compressed air, Rastgar Air Compressors can handle all types of queries regarding your compressed air system. Call us now for free consultation +92 3345933391 or learn more


Creative Compressor Repairs in Pakistan

There is no perfection. There is only a constant process of creative repair on the path to making something useful and beautiful. That’s agility.

Kintsugi is a Japanese art form of mending broken pottery with gold dust to highlight the broken parts and make them part of the design instead of trying to hide the fractures. We believe in the same philosophy for Screw Compressor Service.

Describe the problems in the compressed air you generate so you don’t choose a mediocre path. Allow yourself and your team to learn about creative Sakoon compressor services in Pakistan for your Gold I.e. Compressor with gold over and over again as they breakdown during productive life.

Choose from Compressors Service options available or Call us +923345933391 to design a customized compressor service for true agility

Flexible Service Options: We have options of services to choose from.

  • Annual Service Contract with 12 visit, every month along with 4 trouble shoots calls
  • Schedule Services Contract according to compressor schedule service
  • Trouble Shooting
  • On Time Visit Request

There is no perfection. There is only a constant process of creative repair, keeping things whole and in the end, producing something both useful and beautiful as this gorgeous Kintsugi Cup.

Compressor service contract and parts for “EVERY COMPRESSOR, EVERY BRAND” in Pakistan. For more information about Repair Service of Screw Compressors in Pakistan.

Summer Service Tips for Your Compressed Air System

Summertime is quickly approaching and with its long days of heat and humidity – both of which can take a toll on people and machines. High temperatures combined with additional condensate in the air can cause strain on performance – unless you’re prepared. That’s why it’s important that facility and maintenance managers take time now to prepare for the increased strain their machines will face in the warmer summer months.

With summer here and temperatures and humidity on the rise, your compressed air system will experience additional water loading on the air treatment equipment. There is 650% more water in the air at the highest summer compressor operating conditions (122 degrees F) versus the highest temperatures usually seen during the winter months (60 degrees F). That’s why it’s critical to prepare your air compressors for some of the most challenging conditions they’ll face all year! Here are a couple of quick, easy steps you can take to ensure your compressed air system is ready for summer.

Clean Air and Oil Filters

Your vehicle gets better gas mileage when it has clean filters and the same holds true for your air compressor; a compressor runs cooler and uses less energy when air filters are clean. Dirty, clogged filters can lead to pressure drops, which causes the compressor to run at higher levels to accommodate the demand. Filter performance can also be affected by additional moisture, so it’s important to follow regular maintenance schedules and add supplementary checks for seasonal changes.

Check Ventilation

We all breathe a little easier with increased airflow and so do our machines. Just like air and oil filters require some extra attention in the summer, it’s important to check the compressor room and adjust ventilation and airflow as needed. This is also a good opportunity to check for pollen and other air contaminants that are more prevalent in the spring months to ensure the ventilation is clean and clear before the heat of the summer arrives.

Check Drains

Higher humidity in the summer causes more condensate to come out of the drains. Make sure drains are clear and in working order so they can handle the increased flow. Because the condensate is sometimes mixed with compressor oil, the water should be treated before being released directly into the drain. Check the treatment units’ filters and separation tanks to make sure they are still operational. It’s a good idea to have a replacement service kit nearby to eliminate any downtime during maintenance.

Clean Coolers

Imagine running in the summer heat with a sweater on; it’s going to impact the way you sweat and how your body regulates its temperature. The same is true for your air compressor. Blocked or clogged coolers can cause an air compressor to overheat on hot summer days. Get ahead of this before it becomes a problem by making sure coolers are clean before the heat hits.

Tweak Water Cooling Systems

On water-cooled compressors, adjust the temperature of the water entering the system to compensate for increased ambient temperatures and to ensure that it is adequate for summer conditions.

Compressor service contract and parts for “EVERY COMPRESSOR, EVERY BRAND” in Pakistan.
📞 +92 333 0135392; +92 334 5933391

Principles of the Rotary Screw Compressor

Machines are oftentimes a marriage of straightforwardness and complexity; this certainly holds true for the rotary screw air compressor. Simple in design, yet precision-engineered to deliver with great efficiency, rotary screw air compressors are the workaholics of the industrial world. They deliver a constant supply of energy all day, every day, without interruption. And when properly sized, they are one of the more efficient forms of compressed air delivery around.

How Does a Rotary Screw Air Compressor Work?

The principal behind a twin rotary screw compressor was developed in the 1930s. The twin elements of the compressors include male and female parts rotating in opposite directions. Air fills the space between the rotors and, as they rotate, the volume between them and the surrounding housing decreases, squeezing or compressing the air into a smaller space; the length, pitch of the screw, and the form of the discharge port collectively determine the pressure ratio. Beyond that, there are no valves, or other mechanical forces that can cause unbalance, which allows a screw compressor to operate at high speeds while combining a large flow rate with small exterior dimensions – it packs a good punch for its size.

Oil-Free Screw Compressors vs. Oil-Injected Screw Compressors

Rotary screw air compressors are available in two primary technologies: oil-free and oil-injected. Here’s a breakdown:

Oil-Free Rotary Screw Compressors

External gears synchronize the position of the counter-rotating screw elements, and, because the rotors do not come in contact and create friction, no lubrication is needed within the compression chamber. As a result, the compressed air is oil-free. Precision engineering within the housing keeps pressure leakage (and drops) from the pressure side to the inlet at a minimum. And because the internal pressure ratio is limited by the difference in air temperature between the inlet and discharge ports, oil-free screw compressors are frequently built with several stages and inter-stage cooling to maximize the pressure reach. The gearbox driving the mechanism does contain lubricants; oil-free refers to the compression chamber itself, and the delivered air is free of foreign contaminants beyond those found inherently in the air that passes through the intake.

Oil-Injected Rotary Screw Compressors

In liquid-injected rotary screw air compressors, a liquid is injected into the compression chamber to accomplish the following: to cool and lubricate the compressor elements’ moving parts; to cool the air that is being compressed in the chamber; and to help minimize leaks from returning into the chamber during discharge. Oil is the most commonly-used liquid used due to its lubricating and sealing properties, though water and other polymers are also used. The oil is then separated and passes through a filter and cooler before it cycles back into the process again. The compressed air can still be hot and oftentimes is run through a cooler, depending on end usage.

Compressor service contract and parts for “EVERY COMPRESSOR, EVERY BRAND” in Pakistan.
📞 +92 333 0135392; +92 334 5933391

Pressure Regulation Methods for Compressed Air Systems

Were you aware that pressure is one of the main factors that determine a compressed air system’s capacity and power? This means that it is essential to understand the pressure requirements of your facility, process, and/or application, and to design your compressed air system accordingly. If the compressor system is instead designed for a much higher or lower pressure than required, it can lead to increased operating costs – or further investments if you must adapt and modify the system for lower pressure.

Benefits of Pressure Regulation

To avoid unnecessary costs and compromising other compressed air system components, you should think about enacting some form of pressure regulation. This is a way to ensure that your machine delivers the required operating pressure value without the issues mentioned above. The best-designed systems will build adequate pressure as required by the process, maintaining the pressure without much fluctuation. Other benefits that can be realized by adding appropriate controls to your compressor system include:

Reducing energy consumption and costs. This will help in improving pressure control and operating efficiencies when you have multiple compressors.

Protecting your process and end products from high-pressure air that may damage downstream instruments, devices, valves, and other pneumatic equipment.

Delivering the required value of the pressure to the application and avoiding any malfunction, downtime, or fault in the application due to low-pressure air delivery.

Pressure Regulations Systems


The start/stop control is one of the simplest control schemes available. The controller sends a signal to the compressor’s main motor, letting it know when to start or stop based on preset pressure points. Start/stop controls are the most basic and used for compressors with low duty cycles at 25 hp or lower.


The load/unload control is also known as the constant speed control because the motor is constantly running. Load/unload is also the most common pressure regulation method. Instead of turning off the motor when the demand for air is reached, the motor will still run, but the inlet valve will close, which recirculates air inside the compressor and prevents compressed air from blowing out of the inlet. The compressor’s controller stops the unit whenever possible to reduce the power consumption and restarts it automatically when the net pressure decreases. If the expected unloading period is too short, the unit is kept running to prevent too short standstill periods.



In a modulating inlet control, the output of a compressor is varied to meet flow requirements typically by using an inlet valve. First, a regulating valve senses the discharge pressure and sends proportional pressure to operate the inlet valve. As pressure rises in the compressor, the inlet valve starts closing, or throttling, which restricts inlet air and decreases pressure. This situation ultimately creates a vacuum on the compressor’s inlet side while its outlet pressure remains fairly constant.

Variable Displacement

With variable displacement, the compressor’s output capacity is varied using capacity control valves, also known as spiral, turn, or poppet valves. This control scheme manages output pressure and the compressor’s power consumption by changing the length of the compression chamber.

Variable Speed Drive

Variable Speed Drive (VSD) is a continuous flow regulation that uses a special drive to control the speed of the motor while maintaining a constant delivery pressure. It uses its inverter for a soft start while the motor ramps up to speed. By varying the electric motor’s frequency or voltage, the motor can be controlled by the demand for air. The fluctuations in pressure are eliminated, as pressure is maintained by regulating the speed of the motor through the compressor controller – all based on anticipation of the system pressure increase or decrease. VSD regulation can bring substantial savings by removing the unloaded operation of the compressor.

Compressor service contract and parts for “EVERY COMPRESSOR, EVERY BRAND” in Pakistan.
📞 +92 333 0135392; +92 334 5933391

Why Your Compressor System Needs Preventative Maintenance

Air compressors are the workhorses of the industrial world, ensuring that production and application needs are met in facilities across the globe. However, compressors are only machines – they’re not infallible. This is what makes compressor system maintenance incredibly important! Instead of waiting around for a problem to pop up and reactively requesting service and repairs, why not proactively stay on top of your compressor’s maintenance needs? This is called preventative maintenance – i.e. preventing issues like clogged filters, broken belts, and burned out motors from arising before they have a chance to start.

Why Your Compressor System Needs Preventative Maintenance?

Uptime, efficiency, and reliable production are critical elements for every business. Preventative maintenance helps to ensure that your compressor system continues to function as it should, thus helping decrease the risk of shutdowns. Still not convinced? Compare it to routine car maintenance. To keep our vehicles in tip-top shape, we schedule regular visits at a dealership for oil changes, tire rotations, and filter replacements; this usually prevents larger car concerns from popping up down the road. The same concept applies to air compressors! The more effort you invest in keeping your compressor system in well-functioning condition, the better its operation – both now and in the future.

The Benefits of Preventative Maintenance

Proactively maintaining your air compressors comes with a variety of concrete benefits, no matter the size or shape of your operation. These benefits include:

Dodge That Downtime. A compressor that hasn’t been regularly serviced won’t be working at its best. Contamination such as oil leaks within the unit, oil that needs changing, or blocked filters could be preventing your compressor from performing as it should. The result? Higher energy bills, a greater carbon footprint, and a reduction in the lifespan of the machine. You’ll also put your compressor system at risk of experiencing performance issues more frequently.

Sidestep Unexpected Costs. Emergency repairs don’t come cheap! On top of service costs, you could easily be looking at thousands (if not tens or hundreds of thousands) of dollars in lost productivity or spoiled end-product. Depending on the severity of the problem, you may even have to replace your compressor system altogether; this also says nothing about the high energy bills caused by a compressor’s inefficient operation. Don’t risk taking this kind of hit to your bottom line!

Get Serious About Safety. It’s important to realize that your compressor doesn’t have to have a catastrophic failure to contribute to a poor or unsafe work environment. A poorly serviced compressor may be generating excessive heat and noise, and unseen or unidentified issues can lead to things like fire hazards, electrical shorts; it can even indirectly and cause other machines to malfunction. The last thing you want to do is discover an issue with your compressor system after it led to an employee injury.

Extend Life Expectancy. Air compressors are a significant investment, which means that extending the life and efficiency of this equipment should be at the top of your to-do list. Preventative maintenance helps you achieve this, ensuring that your compressor system will run smoothly for a long time.

Maintain Control Over the Maintenance Schedule. A perk of preventative maintenance is maintaining control over the maintenance schedule. Rather than having a compressor breakdown dictate the time for service, you get to choose when the service happens. Need to schedule it for a weekend, holiday, or after hours? Not a problem! Stay in control of your operations by including maintenance as something you plan for, rather than treating it as a disruption to your plans. The caveat here – make sure that you adhere to the suggested service schedule set forth in your equipment manual!

Routine Preventative Maintenance Tasks

Preventative maintenance differs for each compressor based on model, size, technology type, running hours, and installation environment. This means that the maintenance expected for a 5hp piston compressor in an auto body shop will vary from a 250hp oil-free rotary screw compressor in a pharmaceutical application! Your compressor manual will outline the specific maintenance tasks expected for your compressor. With that being said, checking the compressor filters, belts, bearings, vents, and oil levels (if an oil-injected machine) are all components that should be inspected regularly. Additional recommended preventative maintenance checks include:

Air Filters and Oil Separators. Air filters are essential to protecting your compressor system from dirt, debris, and other pollutants that would otherwise enter your compressor. Oil separators, on the other hand, help filter out oil from the compressed air before the air leaves the compressor (in oil-injected machines), thus keeping your compressed air clean. Both air filters and oil separators are critical to your compressor’s operation and must be checked, cleaned, and replaced at regular intervals.

Piping Contamination and Clogs. Compressed air piping installations are key in getting the compressed air to where it needs to go. You should check your piping system for any type of contaminants, including rust and dirt, to help prevent pressure drops.

Is That Condensation? Compressing air results in hot, wet air, which turns into condensate. As this condensate builds up within the compressor, it can lead to large issues, including poor air quality, process contamination, etc.

Compressor service contract and parts for “EVERY COMPRESSOR, EVERY BRAND” in Pakistan.
📞 +92 333 0135392 ; +92 334 5933391